Need a fast, cost-effective solution for high-quality protein production?

Advance your research without limitations with XtenCHO™ Race, the new mammalian protein expression kit. It empowers researchers to produce the proteins they need—without the usual time and budget constraints.
Focus on what truly matters—your discoveries.

  • High yields 1.8g/L*

    This high performance allows you to produce sufficient protein in a single run, reducing the need for repeated experiments and saving time, resources, and costs.

    (* Garetosmab, in flasks, no additionnal feeding)

  • Faster results,
    less waiting time

    Short production times of just 8 days for rapid protein expression, with up to 15 days for maximal output, enabling you to stay ahead in your research and streamline your development process.

  • A cost effective solution

    Start with the high-performance XtenCHO™ Race Starter Kit for just €1,950. With a low production cost of €3.8/mg (-70% compared to market leading solution), produce more protein faster while minimizing consumables and optimizing your budget.

XtenCHO Race kit

Production yields obtained with XtenCHO™ Race are twice higher than those obtained with the market leader expression system

Production of Therapeutic antibodies

XtenCHO™ Race outperforms up to 6X (Cixutumumab and Peresolimab)

NB: Crude production yields in mg/L obtained in 24-well plates cultures without feeding (Octet Analysis)
Yields in flask (better aeration) will be 1.5 to 2.5 Higher for Human/humanized IgG1/IgG4 (depending on the antibody considered)

Special Launch Offer

Get an exclusive 20% off your first
XtenCHO™ Race Starter Kit

until May 31. 2025, with the promo code XTEN20

Receive XtenCHO™ Race Starter Kit at -20%

Ensure consistent protein quality and functionality for therapeutic antibody breakthroughs

XtenCHO™ Race delivers high yields and fast production without compromising quality. Designed for biopharma research, it ensures highly active, functional proteins, allowing scientists to trust the reliability of their results.

  • High Quality,
    Reliable Expression

    XtenCHO™ Race delivers fully functional molecules with optimized integrity and post-translational modifications, ensuring reliable results and streamlined downstream processing.

  • CHO

    Using CHO Cells

    Used in over 75% of approved biopharmaceuticals, CHO cells are the gold standard for therapeutic protein production. Eliminate the need to switch technologies.

  • Serum-Free, Animal-Free, Chemically-Defined

    Ensuring optimal safety, minimal contamination risks, and consistent, reproducible results.

XtenCHO™ Race : the scalable solution for every stage from research to bioproduction

No matter where you are in your journey—whether driving early-stage R&D, or advancing drug candidate development—XtenCHO™ Race adapts to your needs at every step:

  • High-throughput antibody production

    Test hundreds of compounds in parallel in a few weeks, already in CHO

  • Small-scale production

    Produce dozens of compounds in parallel, from milligrams to grams.

  • Mid-to-large scale production

    XtenCHO™ Race enables you to produce several dozens grams within weeks

XtenCHO™ Race: Unmatched Market Performance

XtenCHO™ Race stands out from other expression systems due to its exceptional performance and productivity in transient protein expression, particularly for monoclonal antibody production.

Yields (mg/L), Olaratumab, in Flasks

Get started with confidence and ease

Designed for speed and cost-efficiency, XtenCHO™ Race was created by our team of antibody production experts to deliver a robust, optimized, and user-friendly protocol for your applications. With step-by-step video tutorials and a dedicated support team, you will receive expert guidance at every stage, making protein production simplier and more efficient than ever.

  • Developed by antibody production experts

    XtenCHO™ Race was developed by our in-house research teams specialized in antibody and antigen production.

  • Day-by-day video tutorial

    Enjoy our exclusive day-by-day tutorial – Simply enter your email on the start date of your production, and receive a daily video with guidance on the tasks.

  • A dedicated support team

    Have a question or struggling to achieve optimal performance? To help you make the most of your new expression system, a dedicated support team will assist you during the whole process.


Transient protein expression

What is inside your XtenCHO™ Race Starter Kit?

Element Details Storage
XtenCHO™ Race cells 2 cryotubes of 1 ml Liquid nitrogen
pXten1 Expression Vector 1 microtube of 10 µl -20°C
XtenCHO™ Expression Medium 1 bottle of 1 L 4°C, protect from light
Antibody Expression Positive Control Vector (1 µg/µL in T10E1 buffer, pH8) 1 microtube of 150 µl -20°C
XtenFect Reagent, Stock solution 1 microtube stock solution of 0.51 ml -80°C, until dilution
XtenFect Reagent, Working solution 3 microtubes of 1.44 ml -20°C, until reconstitution
XtenCHO™ Race Enhancer 3 microtubes of 1.2 ml -20°C
Metrics Scientific Data
Record Yield
  • 1.8 g/L (Garetosmab, in flask, without feeding)
  • 1ml in 96 well
  • 3L Flasks
  • up to 10L in parallel in Flasks 3L
Production duration
  • 1ml in 96 well
  • 3L Flasks
  • up to 10L in parallel in Flasks 3L
  • < 10 EU/ml at small scale without further endotoxin removal
  • < 1 EU/ml with additional endotoxin removal



How can you easily switch
your expression system?

Discover our exclusive guide exploring pros ans cons
of switching expression systems and providing tips
for a smooth transition

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Resource center

  • Webinar

    Proven strategies to boost your antibody expression


  • User Guide

    XtenCHO™ Race Starter Kit technical Guide and Protocol

    Download now

  • Infographic

    Comparison of XtenCHO™ Race with home-made solutions

    Download now

  • Poster

    Discover XtenCHO™ Race performance in a complete poster

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  • Brochure

    Learn more about our ultra fast transient expression solution

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  • Blog article

    What are the advantages of using a transient CHO system over HEK293?


  • Blog article

    A guide to mammalian cell-based expression systems


  • Blog article

    Applications of the XtenCHO™ Race transient expression system

    Read more

  • Blog article

    The Best CHO Expression System Kits on the Market


  • Video

    Unboxing XtenCHO™ Race

    Watch now