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As a world leader in custom gene synthesis, ProteoGenix has offered high quality services at affordable prices for the last 15 years and gathers all the following advantages over competition:
- Expertise: Dozens of thousands of gene synthesis delivered during the past 15 years
- Speed: 99% of gene synthesis delivered on time and faster than the average market lead times
- Price: Best prices available on the market
- Design & Advices: PhDs experts in protein production are available to help design your constructions the best way
- Confidentiality: A high level of confidentiality is ensured when working with ProteoGenix as we understand the sensitivity of this information for you research
Codon Optimization
Most amino acids are encoded by multiple codons that are called synonymous codons. However, specific codons are used more often than others during gene translation.
This phenomenon is called the codon usage bias and is species specific.
So, as a result of the redundancy of the genetic code, rare codons can be replaced by codons that are more abundant in the genes of the host organism, without changing the amino acid sequence of the protein, per se.
ProteoGenix’s Codon Optimization Tool leverages a codon bias strategy and additional parameters like GC content, repetitive sequences, avoiding restriction sites and mRNA secondary structure.
Codon optimization makes DNA synthesis easier and improves recombinant protein production yields when expression is done in heterologous hosts.
We therefore strongly recommend to let us optimize the sequence.
Service duration
Plasmid Prep
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