
Home / Genesynthese

Bestellen und kaufen Sie Ihre Gensynthese online! Unser interaktives Gensyntheseformular ist unsere schnellste Lösung von der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung! Erhalten Sie 4µg von 100% garantierter Gensequenz in 7 Tagen!

+ Why choose ProteoGenix as your favorite gene synthesis provider?

As a world leader in custom gene synthesis, ProteoGenix has offered high quality services at affordable prices for the last 15 years and gathers all the following advantages over competition:

- Expertise: Dozens of thousands of gene synthesis delivered during the past 15 years

- Speed: 99% of gene synthesis delivered on time and faster than the average market lead times

- Price: Best prices available on the market

- Design & Advices: PhDs experts in protein production are available to help design your constructions the best way

- Confidentiality: A high level of confidentiality is ensured when working with ProteoGenix as we understand the sensitivity of this information for you research

Gene #1
× Success! Your sequence has been correctly added to the cart.
× Sorry! An error occured during the process.


DNA Sequence

Only ATGC allowed in the sequence.
Spaces are automatically removed.

Your gene contains low (if <30%) or high (if >70%) GC content and cannot be considered as a standard gene. A sequence optimization may be required. Click the submit button below to send all information provided above in order for us to contact you quickly and let you know how we can proceed with your sequence synthesis.

Thank you for your visit. An account manager will contact you within the next 24/48h with a quotation and instructions on how to proceed with your Gene Synthesis project.

Your sequence is > to 5000 BP so we can't calculate the price. An account manager will contact you within the next 24/48h with a quotation and instructions on how to proceed with your Gene Synthesis project.

Use sequence for:

STEP 2 - Options for Gene #1

Do you need us to add a start codon (ATG)?

Yes No

Do you need us to add a stop codon?

Yes No

5’ restriction site:




3’ restriction site:


Enzyme ?


Codon Optimization

+ What is codon optimization?

Most amino acids are encoded by multiple codons that are called synonymous codons. However, specific codons are used more often than others during gene translation.
This phenomenon is called the codon usage bias and is species specific. So, as a result of the redundancy of the genetic code, rare codons can be replaced by codons that are more abundant in the genes of the host organism, without changing the amino acid sequence of the protein, per se.
ProteoGenix’s Codon Optimization Tool leverages a codon bias strategy and additional parameters like GC content, repetitive sequences, avoiding restriction sites and mRNA secondary structure.
Codon optimization makes DNA synthesis easier and improves recombinant protein production yields when expression is done in heterologous hosts.
We therefore strongly recommend to let us optimize the sequence.

Would you like us to optimize your DNA sequence?

Yes No

The encoded amino acid sequence will remain 100% identical. We strongly recommend such an optimization for easier synthesis and protein expression.

Host expression organism:

Optional: secondary host

Optimization start position:


Optimization end position:


ORF start position:


ORF end position:


Restriction sites to avoid: (press ctrl and clic on the sites)

Restriction sites to keep: (press ctrl and clic on the sites)

Service duration

Standard Service :

Rush Service :

Rush service is available for genes <1 500bp only. So it cannot apply to your DNA sequence.


We strongly recommend to clone the fragment into a plasmid for DNA sequences >200bp.

Choose the type of vector in which you would like us to clone your DNA sequence:


Amplification Vector

Expression Vector

Vector provided by the visitor

Please also send the gene in the following amplification vector:

High Low

Only ATGC allowed in the sequence.
Spaces are automatically removed.

This option can save material transfer time and cost and will make your future ordering easier

Plasmid Prep

× Sorry! Your request doesn’t belong to our standard offer. We will come back to you shortly with a suitable quote.


× Sorry! Your request doesn’t belong to our standard offer. We will come back to you shortly with a suitable quote.

Do you need Mutagenesis?

Yes No

Starting Sequence

Only ATGC allowed in the sequence.
Spaces are automatically removed.

Mutated Sequence

Mutations highlighted in purple. Only ATGC allowed in the sequence.
Spaces are automatically removed.


Have you ordered this gene from us previously?


Please select the country of delivery so that we can send you the quotation including shipping costs.

Price Estimation
Display Price
An account manager will give you a quotation

Deliverable & Guarantees*Duration is predicted and indicative and can vary depending on several factors

Gene optimization tool

Sequence 100% guaranteed

4µg of cloned gene or 500ng of DNA sequence

No gene, no fee


Please select the country of delivery so that we can send you the quotation including shipping costs.