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Did you already waste time trying to find the right antibody for your immunofluorescence experiments? Get a guaranteed one thanks to our antibody generation service for immunofluorescence. Our platform of hybridoma generation for diagnostic applications has an unrivaled success rate thanks to our strong expertise in various immunization approaches, making us the best partner for your research!
Application guaranteed!
We guarantee that your antibody will work in immunofluorescence…
Condition guaranteed!
…We even guarantee that it will work in your conditions!
High success rate
Our success rate is over 98% on more than 300 monoclonal antibodies developed!
Immunization approach diversity
Peptide, protein, small molecules, DNA immunization… We adapt the immunization strategy to your project!
One-stop solution
We propose complete solutions from antigen design to production to your guaranteed antibody!
Highest ethical standards
ProteoGenix is committed in animal well-being in science by applying the highest ethical standards.
Don’t waste time in testing several antibodies in your application! To save your time and your money, ProteoGenix launched a hybridoma development service guaranteed for immunofluorescence applications. Want to be sure to get the prefect antibody? Follow these 3 steps:
Ready to start? Contact our PhD account managers who will guide you during your project!
Deliverables after total payment:
Direct staining refers to the use of a labeled primary antibody. Direct staining facilitates multiplexing as it allows using primary antibodies generated in the same species.
Indirect staining corresponds to the use of labeled secondary antibodies and is based on the pairing of a primary with a secondary antibody. Usually, the secondary antibody is specific for the host species of the primary antibody limiting the multiplexing application. Indirect staining is generally preferred for low abundance target antigen as it demonstrates higher sensitivity compared to direct staining as several secondary antibodies can bind a single primary antibody.
Any doubt about how to make the best choice for your project? Our account managers are available to answer to your questions.
As every scientific experiment, immunofluorescence requires controls to make sure that your antibody is correctly detecting its target and not to observe false-positive results.
Here are some of the controls that are regularly undertaken in immunofluorescence.
Positive controls can be obtained by testing a cell line known to express your protein of interest.
Commonly used negative controls include:
Immunofluorescence is based on the use of an antibody-label conjugate to determine the localization and expression of target proteins in fixed cells or tissues. The antibody-label conjugates combine two properties which make them particularly suitable for microscopy experiments:
There are mainly two types of immunofluorescence:
Antibodies for immunohistochemistry applications Antibodies Western Blot applications Antibodies for immunoprecipitation applications Antibodies for Flow Cytometry applications Modification specific guaranteed antibodies ELISA guaranteed antibodies Sandwich ELISA guaranteed antibodies
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